iPaper para negócios de venda direta

Aumente as vendas dos seus representantes com catálogos digitais

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Ajudando marcas em todo o mundo a escalar os negócios dos seus representantes.

Planning on going digital? Offer an experience shoppers can’t refuse

Printed catalogs are a stable in retail for displaying the best offers to your audience.

But the PDF-print process is cumbersome and expensive, and it has become more difficult to distribute to customers at scale. And on top of that: Often, only a part of the catalog is relevant for a specific customer.

By taking your print catalogs and making them digital, you can...

With iPaper, you can make digital catalogs that:

  • Create digital catalogs in minutes using automation
  • Distributed them on all your digital channels
  • Measure on engagement conversions

On top, you keep the benefits of the familiar printed catalog and leaflet while placing the format seamlessly in your online shopping experience.

Digital leaflets as a favored destination on the online customer journey

Printing leaflets is becoming increasingly expensive, and shoppers are shifting towards a digital-first customer journey.

You - and your leaflet - must transition with your target audience, or lose customers.

  • Add a new digital channel to the online customer journey
  • Boost online top and bottom funnel reach
  • Drive online and physical store traffic
  • Increase conversions and sales

Adapte-se a um novo mercado de vendas sociais

Os últimos anos trouxeram uma maior necessidade de digitalização para empresas de venda social ou direta, que agora precisam: 

  • Encontrar novas medidas para ativar os seus representantes de vendas
  • Alcançar mais consumidores usando táticas online
  • Inspirar consumidores, que adotaram formas mais flexíveis de compra

É hora de colocar a transformação digital em sua agenda - com catálogos digitais!

Shopping is becoming more digital. Direct selling companies need to follow.

You need to adapt to the new social selling market - by transforming print catalogs into digital.

Digital catalogs are the best alternative to print, better than websites and search engines - if you make them so engaging that shoppers can’t refuse to use them.

With digital catalogs, you can…

  • Activate your sales representatives with a new, yet familiar online format
  • Help representatives reach more shoppers online
  • Take orders directly via WhatsApp checkout, so they never lose the personal touch.  

It's time to put digital transformation on your agenda - with digital catalogs!

Update the B2B sales playbook with digital catalogs

Printed catalogs are a stable in B2B for displaying products.

But the print process is cumbersome and expensive, and it has become more difficult to distribute to customers at scale. And on top of that: Often, only a part of the catalog is relevant for a specific customer.

By taking your print catalogs and making them digital, you can...

  • Provide interactive content worth browsing, to foster cross-selling opportunities
  • Allow the customer to request a quote or email your sales team
  • Make digital follow-ups more personal with customized mini-versions of your catalog

On top, you keep the benefits of the familiar printed catalog while enabling easy online distribution.

Digital catalogs are the best alternative to print, better than websites and search engines.

Planning on going digital? Offer an experience shoppers can’t refuse

Printed catalogs are a stable in retail for displaying the best offers to your audience.

But the PDF-print process is cumbersome and expensive, and it has become more difficult to distribute to customers at scale. And on top of that: Often, only a part of the catalog is relevant for a specific customer.

By taking your print catalogs and making them digital, you can...

With iPaper, you can make digital catalogs that:

  • Create digital catalogs in minutes using automation
  • Distributed them on all your digital channels
  • Measure on engagement conversions

On top, you keep the benefits of the familiar printed catalog and leaflet while placing the format seamlessly in your online shopping experience.

Digital leaflets as a favored destination on the online customer journey

Printing leaflets is becoming increasingly expensive, and shoppers are shifting towards a digital-first customer journey.

You - and your leaflet - must transition with your target audience, or lose customers.

  • Add a new digital channel to the online customer journey
  • Boost online top and bottom funnel reach
  • Drive online and physical store traffic
  • Increase conversions and sales

Adapte-se a um novo mercado de vendas sociais

Os últimos anos trouxeram uma maior necessidade de digitalização para empresas de venda social ou direta, que agora precisam: 

  • Encontrar novas medidas para ativar os seus representantes de vendas
  • Alcançar mais consumidores usando táticas online
  • Inspirar consumidores, que adotaram formas mais flexíveis de compra

É hora de colocar a transformação digital em sua agenda - com catálogos digitais!

Shopping is becoming more digital. Direct selling companies need to follow.

You need to adapt to the new social selling market - by transforming print catalogs into digital.

Digital catalogs are the best alternative to print, better than websites and search engines - if you make them so engaging that shoppers can’t refuse to use them.

With digital catalogs, you can…

  • Activate your sales representatives with a new, yet familiar online format
  • Help representatives reach more shoppers online
  • Take orders directly via WhatsApp checkout, so they never lose the personal touch.  

It's time to put digital transformation on your agenda - with digital catalogs!

Update the B2B sales playbook with digital catalogs

Printed catalogs are a stable in B2B for displaying products.

But the print process is cumbersome and expensive, and it has become more difficult to distribute to customers at scale. And on top of that: Often, only a part of the catalog is relevant for a specific customer.

By taking your print catalogs and making them digital, you can...

  • Provide interactive content worth browsing, to foster cross-selling opportunities
  • Allow the customer to request a quote or email your sales team
  • Make digital follow-ups more personal with customized mini-versions of your catalog

On top, you keep the benefits of the familiar printed catalog while enabling easy online distribution.

Digital catalogs are the best alternative to print, better than websites and search engines.

A solução de catálogos digitais feita para o sucesso de negócios de venda direta

Conecte-se com a sua audiência online

  • Permita que seus representantes de vendas compartilhem o seu catálogo via e-mail ou redes sociais
  • Maximize o número de leitores do seu catálogo ao disponibilizá-lo em qualquer dispositivo

Empodere os representantes do seu negócio

  • Integre WhatsApp ou Viber e permita aos seus consumidores encomendarem diretamente através do seu catálogo
  • Sem limites geográficos: os seus representantes recebem os pedidos, recebem a comissão e escalam o seu negócio

Crie catálogos interativos e inspiradores em minutos

  • Envolva os seus leitores ao enriquecer o seu catálogo com vídeos, links de produto, ícones e muito mais
  • Poupe tempo com Enrichment Automation: mude elementos interativos como links ou ícones automaticamente e diga adeus a edições manuais

Identifique o conteúdo que vende mais

  • Meça o desempenho do seu catálogo através da nossa ferramenta de estatística: sessões, tempo passado no catálogo, cliques, histórico de pesquisa, encomendas, receita, etc.
  • Acompanhe os eventos realizados no seu catálogo através integrações com o Google Analytics ou Adobe Analytics

We are proud to deliver a unique service and support to our 1200+ customers globally

99.2% CSAT score*

*Customer Satisfaction Score

From onboarding to ongoing assistance and proactively seeing opportunities to optimize digital catalog performance, our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.


Don't just take our word for it

Explore customer cases
José Del Pino
Cristian Lay
For 1% of the cost of printing a catalog, we can create as many iPaper catalogs as we like. It's an incredible saving.
Stefano Borasi
La Casa Moderna
We really enjoy working with the platform and  have been surprised by the impact iPaper has had on our business. It’s been fantastic in helping us integrate our offline and online channels.”


Still have questions about iPaper? Get in touch

Vamos trazer o seu negócio de venda direta para o próximo nível?

Experimente por 14 dias grátis e explore as possibilidades com iPaper como o seu criador de catálogos digitais. 

Precisa de mais inspiração antes de começar?

Peça exemplos, preencha o formulário, e o Leif, a Janne ou o Armando entrarão em contacto com você com um catálogo customizado ao seu negócio.
