
Why product information could be a game changer

July 8, 2021
min read
Rebecca Wine profile picture
Matt Whitby
  • Product information is essential in the decision phase of shopping
  • But if retailers don’t provide enough, shoppers will look for reassurance elsewhere
  • You need to present product information in an engaging format to keep and convert shoppers

Product information is key in the decision phase of shopping. Once a shopper has been inspired and their interest is piqued, they rely on information to decide if they want to buy.

But shoppers today like to get their information from multiple sources.

As discovered in our Behaviour of Online Shoppers Survey, 48% of shoppers read about product specifications on Google. 43% on Amazon, and 35% on other webshops.

A graph showing where shoppers read product specifications

Shoppers want information:

But if they have to turn to other websites to get it, you as a retailer are left extremely vulnerable. You become at risk of losing your shopper to a competitor that offers a lower price or a better deal.

Many shoppers start their search for a product on a specific webshop. If you're one of their preferred stores, they'll probably check to see if you have the product they want as their first step. Let's say you do. They'll go to your product page and look at the images, check out the price and, probably, scroll down for more information. What next? They go to Google. How long they spend Googling that product is determined purely by the information you offer.

If you've blown a shopper away with your in-depth and engaging product information, all they might need is a simple check that the price you're offering is reasonable. Chances are even if your price is a little higher, as a retailer they trust, they'll still buy from you.

But if your information is lacking, you'll lose your shopper. You'll miss out on the sale simply for not saying enough.

The "What" and "Why" of product information

When deciding whether to buy, a shopper is on the hunt for knowledge. The more they consume, the more confident they become. So product information is all about building up a shopper’s confidence and showcasing your reliability as a retailer.

You need to tell them this is the exact product they want, and you're the best place to buy it from.

However, that’s easier said than done. Product information itself can come in many forms. From bullet points with specifications to images, videos, size guides and accessories. However, for today's retailers, it’s hard to decide what information to show and how to show it.

Whilst the way in which information is presented is of course subjective, the style you choose needs to fit your brand. You need to consider how your audience consumes information and your brand values.

If you’re targeting a young audience then less text, more visuals and bitesize videos could do the trick.

If you’re a more established brand that prides itself on reliability, then offer more text-heavy, formal and professional looking information.

An example: Apple

One brand that knows its audience, its position and its value, is Apple. The way Apple presents product information is second to none. It’s an eye-catching experience in its own right. It matches the feel of the product, educates with ease and with every scroll, shoppers grow in reassurance.

Information is shown through images, simple yet clever copy and subtle parallax animations for visual impact.

We can't all be Apple: 

Not all retailers have the manpower, skills or budget of a global industry giant. Yet there's still so much room for creativity.

22% of people get inspiration about new products on Youtube. So clearly videos are a powerful educational resource. And nowadays they're not that expensive to make. Same goes for product images. That's why retailers who lack in the basic visuals department are hanging by a thread. Online shoppers need to be inspired. They need visuals to spark inspiration, and without that spark you're already miles behind the competition.


So first look at your product visuals. Images speak a thousand words. Start there, then focus on the details.

Product information doesn't have to be confusing. In fact, that's exactly what it shouldn't be. It should be simple, but as in depth and descriptive as necessary. Don't overload but don't simplify.

Your goal is to avoid your shoppers having to search for information elsewhere. If they're on a product page on your website, do everything possible to keep them there.

Show information, reviews, images. They might want to look around for a second opinion, read more reviews, comparisons etc. But if you have a wide range of products and can show those comparisons yourself, do it. Try to keep all information in one place. That's how you'll keep shoppers engaged and sustain their attention whilst cementing yourself as a trustworthy and reliable retailer.

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